Learning Trunks

Microsoft 365 – Excel

Uncover all the main features you need to get to grips with Microsoft Excel by the brilliant Skills Factory

Microsoft 365 – Excel

By Sonny Sharma
3 Learning Bursts

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Purple Mash CPD

Master how to get the most out of Purple Mash for coding and computing, quick!

Purple Mash CPD

By Sonny Sharma
3 Learning Bursts

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Global Goals

The World’s Largest Lesson introduces the Sustainable Development Goals to children and young people everywhere!

Global Goals

By The Spongy Elephant Team
7 Learning Bursts

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Computer Science (KS3)

Rebecca Franks, author of the Computing Textbook gets you well on your way with Computing!

Computer Science (KS3)

By Sonny Sharma

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Drones in Education

Drones get a bad press sometimes! Find out how in education they can be all good...drones

Drones in Education

By The Spongy Elephant Team
7 Learning Bursts

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VR – Creative Arts Showcase

Go backstage at the Globe, walk through a masterpiece and be part of the action! #VR

VR – Creative Arts Showcase

By The Spongy Elephant Team
9 Learning Bursts

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QuickStart KS1/KS2

Get going with QuickStart in videos, resources and everything you need to succeed!

QuickStart KS1/KS2

By Sonny Sharma
7 Learning Bursts

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Will artificial intelligence put us out of work?

Evan Davies, examines the impact new technology might have on business in the future, and what it could mean for us.

Will artificial intelligence put us out of work?

By The Spongy Elephant Blog
1 Learning Burst

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What is digital mothering?

The Open University’s lecturer in psychology Lisa Lazard discusses some of the motivations mothers have for sharing images online

What is digital mothering?

By The Spongy Elephant Blog
1 Learning Burst

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Can a computer be your therapist?

Can "e-therapies" be beneficial to those experiencing psychological issues, particularly young people?

Can a computer be your therapist?

By The Spongy Elephant Blog
1 Learning Burst

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Junk Food Marketing to Kids Online

Beware the junk food marketer with their hashtags, games and sponsored tweets!

Junk Food Marketing to Kids Online

By The Spongy Elephant Blog
3 Learning Bursts

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Selfies are NOT the root of all evil

Is the rise of the selfie a sign of a culture collapsing into narcissism?

Selfies are NOT the root of all evil

By The Spongy Elephant Blog
1 Learning Burst

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Makeblock Neuron Offline

Discover how to use the Neuron Inventor Kit by Makeblock with no #coding experience!

Makeblock Neuron Offline

By Makeblock
6 Learning Bursts

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Subtraction by EES

5 ways to use Manipulatives when developing an understanding of subtraction. #numeracy #primary

Subtraction by EES

5 Learning Bursts

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ActivInspire Advanced Tools

Get better with an advanced selection of tool and features from Promethean. #collaborate #interact

ActivInspire Advanced Tools

By Sonny Sharma
13 Learning Bursts

Promethean’s award-winning educational software ActivInspire, is the foundation...

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ActivInspire Core Tools

Get going or simply refresh your skills with the brilliant tools from Promethean. #collaborate #interact

ActivInspire Core Tools

By Sonny Sharma
13 Learning Bursts

Promethean’s award-winning educational software ActivInspire, is known and...

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Addition by EES

6 ways to use Manipulatives when developing an understanding of addition. #numeracy #primary

Addition by EES

6 Learning Bursts

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Code With mBot

mBot from Makeblock is one of our favourite robots for the classroom. Build it, mod it, code it. #code #robotics

Code With mBot

By Julia

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Computing: Warm Up

Check out some of the movers and shakers in the computing space, helping teachers to code. #code #computing

Computing: Warm Up

By sanjesh
7 Learning Bursts

Computing on the curriculum has now been around...

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mBot – Presets & Apps

This little robot rocks and is one of the best around for getting kids coding and programming.
#code #robotics

mBot – Presets & Apps

By sanjeshsharma
6 Learning Bursts

mBot by makeblock is an entry-level educational robot...

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