Learning Trunks

What is the Metaverse?

Your 10 minute guide to understanding the Metaverse, how we got here and what it means for you in the future!

What is the Metaverse?

By The Spongy Elephant Team
5 Learning Bursts


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VR – Humanities Showcase

Whether it is exploring the wonders of the world or understanding the impact of war, #VR has it!

VR – Humanities Showcase

By The Spongy Elephant Team
9 Learning Bursts

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VR – STEM Showcase

Sit back and explore how to make use of the #awesome content already available to get the most out of #VR.

VR – STEM Showcase

By The Spongy Elephant Team
11 Learning Bursts

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VR – Creative Arts Showcase

Go backstage at the Globe, walk through a masterpiece and be part of the action! #VR

VR – Creative Arts Showcase

By The Spongy Elephant Team
9 Learning Bursts

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ClassVR Pt4: Portal in Greater Depth

The ClassVR portal is the ultimate gateway to amazing immersive experiences - find out more.
#vr #ar

ClassVR Pt4: Portal in Greater Depth

By ClassVR
5 Learning Bursts

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ClassVR Pt2: Using Your Headsets

Easy to use headsets for VR mean readily accessible experiences for students - check it out.
#vr #ar

ClassVR Pt2: Using Your Headsets

By ClassVR
5 Learning Bursts

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ClassVR Pt1: Setup

It doesn't take long to get the whole experience up and running - do take a little time to get it right.
#vr #ar

ClassVR Pt1: Setup

By ClassVR
5 Learning Bursts

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Augmented Reality

Hold a beating heart in your hand. Bring Saturn into your classroom. Breathe life into drawings. Just do it!

Augmented Reality

By sanjesh

Augmented Reality is big. Think Pokemon Go and...

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Virtual Reality & 360

Explore the surface of Mars. Stand by the edge of an erupting volcano. VR without a headset. Great! #vr #ar

Virtual Reality & 360

By sanjeshsharma
3 Learning Bursts

Virtual Reality is here to stay. Fact. Last...

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ClassVR Pt3: Portal Basics

Find out how to get the ClassVR portal to deliver content to the headsets for engaging experience.
#vr #ar

ClassVR Pt3: Portal Basics

By ClassVR
6 Learning Bursts

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