Mental Health & Wellbeing

All of us have mental health and, like our bodies, our minds can become unwell. 1 in 10 young people will experience a mental health problem. That is 3 people in your classroom right now. These include depression, anxiety disorder, eating disorders, psychosis or bipolar disorder. It is important to talk about mental health and get help early if things don’t feel right, just like we would for our physical health. No one should feel ashamed about having a mental health problem, in the same way you wouldn’t if you had a broken leg.

This learning trunk recognises the fundamental role that mental health plays in children’s success and that poor mental health is a significant barrier to learning.

Google Drive

Google Drive is the king of the clouds when it comes to quick and easy access to files and folders from any device and any location. If you use Gmail and not Google Drive, you’ve got to take the leap! With easy file sharing and unlimited storage space for schools, Drive is a superb way for schools to start working towards a server-free future in the clouds. A quick note – Google Drive is YOUR personal space. Google has introduced Teams to manage shared and collaborative spaces. For collaboration and file sharing with students use Google Classroom, not Drive, as Classroom makes the whole experience better and safer.


Impero is that tool schools hear about which allows teachers to control student devices, see and share student screens, block the internet adhoc and direct students to websites and applications in seconds. That is all very well, but where it is equally as powerful, is in giving teachers really useful classroom tools. These tools mean that teachers can improve collaboration, poll students on the fly, broadcast from one student’s screen to all the other students in the class as part of peer assessment, and even reward students for using keywords that they’ve learnt during a topic or theme. Easy to master and great for removing distractions, Impero is a classroom must-have, and isn’t just one for the network guys!

What are you going to learn about?

In this FREE Learning Trunk, you’ll learn how Impero works and develop a good understanding of how the dashboard works in both basic and advanced modes.

Who is hosting this Learning Trunk?

This is a CURATED Learning Trunk built for you from content sourced online. We have selected these particular videos after reviewing several available online.

How long do I need?

Less than 20 minutes.

Anything else I need to know?

We have set this Learning Trunk so that you progress through each video in any order.


Spiral is an excellent collaboration tool. The stand out function for us is CLIP. Clip lets you take a video from YouTube and add questions to it before sharing it with students. As students watch the video on the teacher’s device/screen, questions pop up on the students’ devices. Responses can be reviewed across the class and even expanded on. Genius!

What are you going to learn about?

In this FREE Learning Trunk, you’ll learn how Spiral works and develop a good understanding of how the dashboard works for quick fire quizzes and using YouTube and Vimeo clips.

Who is hosting this Learning Trunk?

This is a CURATED Learning Trunk built for you from content sourced online. We have selected these particular videos after reviewing several available online.

How long do I need?

Around 50 minutes.

Anything else I need to know?

We have set this Learning Trunk so that you progress through each video in any order.

G Suite – Google Classroom

When we think about Google Classsroom, one word always comes to mind. Wow! Google Classroom is without a doubt one of the most intuitive tools in education, creating a seamless and highly collaborative link between teachers, teaching assistant and students. We’ve used Google Classroom with Early Year all the way through to FE and HE. The great thing about Google Classroom is how easy it is to grasp and just how powerful it is, combating the use of email for communication and dare we say it, even paper and textbooks. Don’t believe the hype? Jump in and check it out!

mBot – Presets & Apps

mBot by makeblock is an entry-level educational robot kit. The reason we love mbot is because it is easy to build with the included assembly guide and it uses bock-based programming, just like Scratch. mBot is perfect for the maker community and for schools it offers gamified learning and even more fun with expansion packs.

What are you going to learn about?

In this FREE Learning Trunk, you’ll learn how mBot works and how to make the best use of it for lessons. You’ll learn how to do things like make the mBot react to light, or avoid objects and even follow a line, a little like modern cruise control systems in cars.

Who is hosting this Learning Trunk?

This is a CURATED Learning Trunk built for you from content sourced online. We have selected these particular videos after reviewing several available online.

How long do I need?

Less than 15 minutes.

Anything else I need to know?

We have set this Learning Trunk so that you progress through each video in any order.