ActivInspire Advanced Tools

Promethean’s award-winning educational software ActivInspire, is the foundation for any learning experience,it provides a vast suit of tools to create and deliver dynamic lessons, in these videos participants will learn advanced skills and how to increase interactivity.

ActivInspire Core Tools

Promethean’s award-winning educational software ActivInspire, is known and loved by educators around the world ,it provides a vast suite of tools to create and deliver dynamic lessons, in these videos participants will learn the basics to get started with ActivInspire.

Oktopus by Quizdom

Qwizdom OKTOPUS is an interactive teaching tool that has been designed to enhance teaching and boost student learning. Designed to work in a live environment which gives the teacher and student the ability to work over the top of any digital content or web browser. OKTOPUS has multiple subject areas, and over 60 subject-specific tools for teachers to choose from, enabling teachers to create engaging and interactive lessons.

Mental Health & Wellbeing

All of us have mental health and, like our bodies, our minds can become unwell. 1 in 10 young people will experience a mental health problem. That is 3 people in your classroom right now. These include depression, anxiety disorder, eating disorders, psychosis or bipolar disorder. It is important to talk about mental health and get help early if things don’t feel right, just like we would for our physical health. No one should feel ashamed about having a mental health problem, in the same way you wouldn’t if you had a broken leg.

This learning trunk recognises the fundamental role that mental health plays in children’s success and that poor mental health is a significant barrier to learning.

Google Drive

Google Drive is the king of the clouds when it comes to quick and easy access to files and folders from any device and any location. If you use Gmail and not Google Drive, you’ve got to take the leap! With easy file sharing and unlimited storage space for schools, Drive is a superb way for schools to start working towards a server-free future in the clouds. A quick note – Google Drive is YOUR personal space. Google has introduced Teams to manage shared and collaborative spaces. For collaboration and file sharing with students use Google Classroom, not Drive, as Classroom makes the whole experience better and safer.